The Continence Foundation of Ireland (CFI) was founded in September 2005 by a group of 10 independent gynaecologists and urologists in Ireland with an interest in female incontinence and pelvic floor reconstructive surgery.
However we realised and acknowledged that the problem of incontinence would be best served by a multidisciplinary group, so that the scope of the Foundation now extends to all aspects of urinary and faecal incontinence across all impacted groups - female and male, adult and child.
A number of diverse continence organisations already exist in Ireland, including the Irish Continence Interest Group, the Irish Enuresis Advisory Group and the National Nurse Continence Advisors Forum, as well as a number of local groups, and several specialist organisations with an interest in this area, such as the Irish Association of Urology Nurses.
CFI believe that significant gains could be achieved by aligning the efforts of all groups working in the area of incontinence, as well as other interested and affected parties (e.g. patient advocacy groups and industry representatives) to address the issue of incontinence in Ireland. We welcome membership from all medical disciplines and allied health professionals.
The Continence Foundation of Ireland coordinate the efforts of different organisations and other individuals interested in and affected by incontinence.
The website for the internation urogynaecology association.
The website of the European urogynaecology association.
Web based information regarding over active bladder from Pfizer Health care.
The international foundation for functional gastrointestinal disorders.
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with a Special Interest in Urogynaecology Galway University Hospital.
Treasurer - Dr Mark Skehan - MRCOG, MRCPI, M. Obstet Gynaecol (Urogynae) LiverpoolConsultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist at Univeristy Maternity Hospital Limerick and Ennis Hospital.
Secretary - Dr. Gerry Agnew - MRCOG MRCPIConsultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Urogynaecologist at the National Maternity Hospital, Holles St., St. Vincent's University Hospital and at the Pelvic Floor Centre at St. Michaels' Hospital, Dun Laoghaire.
Past President - Dr. Suzanne O'Sullivan - MB, FRCPI, MRCOGConsultant Obstetrician and Urogynaecologist in Cork University Maternity Hospital.
Dr. Barry O'Reilly - MD, FRCOG, FRANZCOGConsultant Obstetrician and Urogynaecologist, Cork University Maternity Hospital.
Dr. Orfhlaith O'Sullivan - MRCSI, MCh, MRCPI, MRCOGSubspecialty Fellow in Urogynaeclogy, Cork Univsersity Maternity Hospital.
Dr. Declan Keane - MD, FRCPI, FRCOGConsultant Gynaecologist at National Maternity Hospital and St. Vincent's Hospitals, Dublin.
Mr Emmet Andrews - MD, FRCSI, FRCS(Eng), FRCSI(Gen)Colorectal Surgeon.
Dr. Robin Ashe - MAO, FRCOG, DChConsultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist with a Special Interest in Urogynaecology. Ulster Gynae Urology Society Representative on CFI.
Dr. Paul Byrne - MD, FRCPI, FRCOGConsultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist to the Rotunda, Beaumont and Bon Secours Hospital in Dublin. Senior Lecturer with RCSI.
Dr. Aoife O'NeillConsultant Gynaecologist , Coombe Womens and Infants University Hospital, Dublin.
Lesley-Anne RossChartered Physiotherapist specialising in Pelvic Floor Dysfunction.
Maeve WhelanSpecialist chartered physiotherapist in Womens health and continence, Milltown Physiotherapy clinic, Dublin.
Mr. Tom CreaghConsultant Urologist, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin.
Mr. Hugh FloodConsultant Urologist, University Hospital, Limerick.
Dr. Paul HughesConsultant Gynaecologist, Kerry General Hospital, Tralee.